Saturday, June 19, 2010

"A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet."

Shakespeare, himself, might be long gone but the wisdom of his words still remain behind with us. For the ladies out there who want to receive roses from their SO but are allergic to roses, your problem is now solved! This gorgeous one-of-a-kind diamond ring by Curve Jewelry is breathtakingly gorgeous and it would easily put any real rose to shame. A rose might be beautiful but it will only last 7 days at the most. This beauty however, will last you a lifetime. Now all you ladies out there just need to talk your special someone into giving you this special token of appreciation ;). Or for the single ladies out there, I think this is a great right hand ring design.

For those of you interested, please contact Curve Jewelry at for more information. You can also check out their other great designs at
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